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Browse heritage policy, forms and research

Showing 21 - 40 of 342 Search Results

At home with heritage: a considered approach to renovating your house
Date published: May 2021
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
This guide may assist home owners who are renovating or creating a home in a heritage building. The guide includes 12 case studies.
History of LGBTIQ+ Victoria
Date published: March 2021
Assistance type: Access research and databases
This report identifies 100 places, objects and collections that have special meaning to Victoria’s contemporary queer communities.
Permit application amendment form
Date published: February 2021
Application form to amend a heritage permit application, before it has been determined.
Thematic and typological studies
Date published: 2021
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Access research and databases
List of thematic and typological studies which may be of assistance to heritage consultants in preparing heritage assessments.
Fee waiver form
Date published: December 2020
Assistance type: Make an application
Subject: Archaeology
Request a fee waiver for permit or consent fees.
Application for consent to undertake works or activities on an archaeological site
Date published: December 2020
Assistance type: Make an application
Subject: Archaeology
Application form to apply for an archaeological consent.
Amending a permit application form
Date published: December 2020
Application form to amend and existing heritage permit.
Commercial Fishing Industry Victoria Guidelines For Reporting Shipwreck Discoveries
Date published: November 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Subject: Maritime
Guidelines for commercial fishers on how to report shipwreck and artefact discoveries and information on how to recognize and record finds.
Repointing with lime mortars
Date published: June 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Heritage technical code on repointing with lime mortars.
This Code is about the practical aspects of repointing mortars joints in historic masonry. It covers the investigations and decisions required before repointing and undertaking the actual repointing itself, including acceptable tools, raking and cutting out joints, pre-wetting, finishing, protection and curing.
Lime mortars for the repair of masonry
Date published: June 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
This Code is about the design and specification of lime mortars for the repair of masonry. It covers mortars made from hydraulic and pure (non-hydraulic) lime binders in combination with aggregates (such as sand), identifies acceptable materials and sets out steps for developing specifications and the selection ofappropriate mortar mixes. It also identifies important practical aspects of the use of lime mortars that may be unfamiliar to the contemporary building industry.
Finding the right conservator, tradespeople and materials
Date published: May 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia
If you are seeking to undertake conservation work on a heritage object or place, it is important that you get help and advice from qualified and reputable conservators and tradespeople. War memorials, honour rolls and objects can be easily damaged or weakened by incorrect conservation ‘treatments’.
Victorian Heritage Database
Date published: January 2020
The Victorian Heritage Database is home to the Victorian Heritage Register which lists the State's most significant heritage places, objects and historic shipwrecks protected under the Heritage Act 2017. It's also home to the Victorian Heritage Inventory which lists all known historical archaeological sites in Victoria.
Heritage DESK
Date published: January 2020
The Victorian Heritage Database is home to the Victorian Heritage Register which lists the State's most significant heritage places, objects and historic shipwrecks protected under the Heritage Act 2017. It's also home to the Victorian Heritage Inventory which lists all known historical archaeological sites in Victoria.
Women in the Victorian Heritage Register
Date published: January 2020
The Victorian Heritage Database is home to the Victorian Heritage Register which lists the State's most significant heritage places, objects and historic shipwrecks protected under the Heritage Act 2017. It's also home to the Victorian Heritage Inventory which lists all known historical archaeological sites in Victoria.
The Burra Charter: Australian ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance, 2013
Date published: January 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
The Burra Charter: Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance, 2013 (Burra Charter) and the associated series of Practice Notes provide a best practice standard for managing cultural heritage places in Australia.
Protected Matters Search Tool
Date published: January 2020
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Use this search tool to generate a report that will help determine whether matters of national environmental significance or other matters protected by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 are likely to occur in your area of interest.
National Trust Advocacy Toolkit
Date published: 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
The National Trust Advocacy Toolkit is a free online resource created by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) to support individuals and communities to advocate for the protection of places of cultural heritage significance.
Heritage inventory site card
Date published: 2020
Subject: Archaeology
Use this form to report an archaeological site or amend information.
Review of the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens World Heritage Management Plan: Discussion Paper
Date published: 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice; Access research and databases
Subject: World heritage
This Discussion Paper provides background information on the World Heritage Management Plan and its component parts, including the statutory and governance requirements, and identifies key questions to assist you in submitting feedback.
Policy for determining low archaeological value
Date published: 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Subject: Archaeology
Use this policy to assess whether an archaeological site is of low archaeological value under s 118(1)(a)