Resources and publications

Browse heritage policy, forms and research

Showing 1 - 20 of 417 Search Results

Guidelines for conducting historical archaeological surveys
Date published: February 2024
Assistance type: Make an application; Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Subject: Archaeology
Buckland Valley State Forest LiDAR Project
Date published: September 2023
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Subject: Archaeology
A case study for the interpretation of a historic gold mining landscape.
Cyclical Maintenance Plan – Example Template for Living Heritage Funded Projects
Date published: June 2023
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice; Access research and databases; Find out about us
Minimum standards for maintenance and repair of heritage places
Date published: January 2023
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Plan for regular, minor maintenance on your heritage building.
How to comply with Heritage Victoria's expectations of the minimum standards and maintenance and repair for heritage places.
World Heritage Steering Committee Strategic Vision 2022-2025
Date published: December 2022
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice; Find out about us
Subject: Places and objects; World heritage
Strategic Vision for the World Heritage Steering Committee for the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens 2022-2025.
Guidance relating to the management of graffiti at heritage places
Date published: December 2022
Assistance type: Get technical advice
This guidance provides technical advice on the safe removal of graffiti from heritage places.
Major Building Projects 2020/21
Date published: December 2022
Assistance type: Find out about us
Summaries of Major Building Projects funded through the Living Heritage Program in 2020-2021 financial year
National Trust project summaries
Date published: December 2022
Assistance type: Find out about us
Project summaries for National Trust stream of Living Heritage Projects.
Living Heritage Grants Program Major Projects 2018-19 & 2019-20
Date published: December 2022
Assistance type: Find out about us
Summary of the Major Building Grants stream of the Living Heritage Grants Program for 2018-19 & 2019-20.
Applying section 101(2)(d) of the Heritage Act 2017
Date published: December 2022
Assistance type: Get policy advice
Provides guidance as to the matters that should be considered by the Executive Director in determining a permit application where a public authority is a relevant matter under s101(2)(d) of the Heritage Act 2017.
Permit Exemption Checklist for applicants
Date published: July 2022
Permit exemption checklist for applicants.
Checklist for heritage permit exemption applications
Date published: April 2022
Checklist to assist applicants when preparing permit applications.
Heritage Victoria 2022-23 Business Plan
Date published: January 2022
Assistance type: Find out about us
Heritage Victoria Business Plan 2022-2023
Heritage Victoria 2022-23 Business Plan
Date published: January 2022
Assistance type: Find out about us
Heritage Victoria Business Plan
Permit amendment guidance October 2021
Date published: December 2021
Guidance on the amendment of permits under s 105 of the Heritage Act 2017.
Heritage Advisors' Council Training Toolkit - Speaker notes
Date published: September 2021
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
The toolkit aims to increase councils’ understanding of the role of the heritage advisor and increase councils’ understanding of cultural heritage practice. The toolkit also provides a broad overview of the ‘heritage system’ in Victoria.
Heritage Victoria Principles
Date published: September 2021
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Guiding Principles for Changes Proposed to Places in the Victorian Heritage Register.
Commercial Fishing Q&A
Date published: July 2021
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Subject: Maritime
Q&A document provided to commercial fishers to assist in reporting shipwreck and artefact discoveries.
Reasonable or economic use: Relevant matters for the consideration of section 101(2)(b) of the Heritage Act 2017
Date published: June 2021
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Guidance for heritage consultants on matters that should be considered by the Executive Director in relation to reasonable or economic use.
Guidelines for preparing heritage impact statements
Date published: June 2021
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Guidance for heritage consultants on the content and assessment requirements for heritage impact statements.