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Showing 81 - 100 of 417 Search Results

Melbourne metropolitan tramway heritage study
Date published: 2011
Assistance type: Access research and databases
The following lists have been primarily sourced from the existing heritage listings including Heritage Victoria’s HERMES, and Online ‘Victorian Heritage Database’. As well as local heritage studies, Heritage Overlay schedules, municipal and tramway histories, and field survey.
What house is that?
Date published: September 2010
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Access research and databases
A guide to Victoria's housing styles.
Celebrating the diversity of Victoria’s housing, What House is that? highlights the state’s many styles and the eras in which they flourished.
Guidelines for change and development of heritage places of worship
Date published: June 2010
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Guidelines for the change and development of heritage places of worship.
Survey of Post-War Built Heritage in Victoria: Stage Two
Date published: May 2010
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Assessment of community and administrative facilities: Funeral parlours, kindergartens, exhibition building, masonic centre, municipal libraries and council offices.
The purpose of this survey was to consider 27 places previously identified in the Survey of Post-War Built Heritage in Victoria, completed by Heritage Alliance in 2008, and to undertake further research, fieldwork and assessment to establish which of these places were worthy of inclusion on the Victorian Heritage Register.
Conservation Management Plans: Managing Historic Places
Date published: 2010
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Subject: Places and objects
This guide explains the purpose, scope and content of a Conservation Management Plan or Heritage Management Plan and how to commission and use a CMP or HMP.
Heritage buildings and sustainability
Date published: February 2009
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
This technical guide promotes environmental and sustainable performance measures for existing heritage buildings without adversely impacting their cultural heritage significance.
Achieving high quality building conservation outcomes
Date published: 2009
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
A basic guide for local government and heritage building owners, on how to achieve high quality building conservation outcomes.
Heritage buildings and energy efficiency regulations
Date published: 2009
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Design strategies to improve energy efficiency in heritage buildings.
Victoria's framework of historical themes
Date published: 2009
Assistance type: Get policy advice
Heritage Victoria has developed a Framework of Historical Themes to increase people’s understanding and appreciation of Victoria’s rich heritage.
The Framework’s purpose is to highlight what is distinctive about Victoria and to increase awareness and appreciation of the state’s heritage. By emphasising the human activities that have produced the places and objects we value, the stories associated with heritage items can be more easily told.
Survey of Post-War Built Heritage in Victoria: Stage One - Part 2
Date published: October 2008
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Volume 1: Contextual overview, methodology, lists and appendices.
This study was commissioned in April 2008 to identify built places across Victoria from the post-Second World War to be of potential heritage significance at a state level. The study was to cover the entire period from 1945 to 2000.
Survey of Post-War Built Heritage in Victoria: Stage One - Part 1
Date published: October 2008
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Volume 1: Contextual overview, methodology, lists and appendices.
This study was commissioned in April 2008 to identify built places across Victoria from the post-Second World War period that were considered to be of potential heritage significance at a state level. The study was to cover the entire period from 1945 to 2000.
Timber repairs
Date published: 2008
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
How to undertake timber repairs on an historic building.
Salt attack and rising damp: A guide to salt damp in historic and older buildings
Date published: 2008
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Learn what causes salt attack and rising damp, and how to identify appropriate repairs for heritage buildings.
Watering heritage gardens and trees
Date published: 2008
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Minimise the impact of drought and the long term effects of climate change on historic gardens and trees.
Disability access for heritage places
Date published: 2008
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
A basic guide on disability access for heritage places.
Coal mining heritage study in Victoria
Date published: 2008
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Subject: Archaeology
The Coal Mining Heritage Study was undertaken by Jack Vines from November 2003 – May 2007, under Heritage Victoria’s management. Many people have contributed to this study which, it is hoped, will be indispensable to all future study of the state’s coal mining industry.
Jaffas down the aisles: A survey of cinemas in country Victoria
Date published: 2008
Assistance type: Access research and databases
In June 2007, Heritage Matters Pty Ltd was commissioned by Heritage Victoria to undertake a survey of cinemas, in the past, more often called picture theatres in rural Victoria.
Repair of tongue and groove floorboards
Date published: 2007
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
How to repair problems and faults in tongue and groove floorboards.
Victorian water supply heritage study
Date published: 2007
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Subject: Archaeology
The Victorian Water Supply Heritage Study (the study) was commissioned by Heritage Victoria. The purpose of the study is to prepare a thematic environmental history of water supply in Victoria; and a desktop survey of Victoria’s water supply systems and sites as the first part of an in-depth examination of the heritage of Victoria’s water supply infrastructure.
The Allen Consulting Group: Valuing the Priceless: The Value of Historic Heritage in Australia
Date published: November 2005
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Report to inform the value of heritage conservation in Australia using choice modelling to understand community willingness to pay for heritage outcomes.