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Showing 41 - 60 of 417 Search Results

Review of the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens World Heritage Management Plan: Discussion Paper
Date published: 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice; Access research and databases
Subject: World heritage
This Discussion Paper provides background information on the World Heritage Management Plan and its component parts, including the statutory and governance requirements, and identifies key questions to assist you in submitting your feedback.
More information: Accessible word version
Maritime Heritage at Risk Program Annual Report 2019-20
Date published: 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice; Find out about us
Subject: Maritime
In November 2016 Heritage Victoria commenced a program designed to identify and prioritise the State’s most significant shipwrecks; provide an assessment of their current and future risk and implement a site management program to better safeguard them.
Applying section 101(2)(d) of the Heritage Act 2017
Date published: 2020
Assistance type: Get policy advice
Heritage Victoria policy on public authorities. Policy that applies when the permit applicant is a public authority. Covers legislation relating to the extent to which the application, if refused, would unreasonably detrimentally affect the ability of the public authority to perform a statutory duty specified in the application.
Pre-application registration form
Date published: October 2019
Request a pre-application meeting with Heritage Victoria.
Underwater Cultural Heritage Act 2018
Date published: July 2019
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Subject: Maritime
The Australian Government is committed to protecting Australia’s underwater cultural heritage. There are about 8,000 historic shipwrecks, sunken aircraft and other underwater cultural heritage sites in Australian waters, representing some of the unique and irreplaceable physical evidence of our past.
The Act came into effect on 1 July 2019, replacing the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 (Historic Shipwrecks Act).
Heritage Victoria Guiding Principles for changes to places on the Victorian Heritage Register
Date published: July 2019
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Guiding principles for changes proposed to places on the Victorian Heritage Register.
Specification for the submission of archival photographic records
Date published: February 2019
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Specification for the submission of archival photographic records, which may be required under a permit condition for a heritage property.
Date published: January 2019
Assistance type: Access research and databases
VicPlan is an online mapping tool that you can use to view, query and create your own property reports. More than a mapping tool, it's a gateway to a whole range of planning information.
It includes information showing the location of places on the Victorian Heritage Register, the Victorian Heritage Inventory and the location of Heritage Overlays throughout Victoria.
Heritage Victoria Compliance and Enforcement Strategy
Date published: 2019
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Heritage Victoria's approach to managing compliance responsibilities under the Heritage Act and Underwater Cultural Heritage Act.
Guidance on identifying places and objects of state-level social value in Victoria
Date published: 2019
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
The Heritage Council of Victoria has provided additional information to assist in assessing the cultural heritage significance of places and objects under Criterion G (social value).
Heritage in ruins: An investigation into Melbourne's 'buried blocks'
Date published: 2019
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Subject: Archaeology
This report explores a large civic works program in the early days of Melbourne which resulted in parts of the city's original buildings being buried under several metres of fill. Some of these were discovered during excavations in 2017.
Maritime Heritage at Risk Program Annual Report 2018-19
Date published: 2019
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice; Access research and databases; Find out about us
Subject: Maritime
There are about 324 shipwrecks which have been found in Victoria with many threatened by environmental and human interference. The Maritime Heritage at Risk Program aims to identify and protect the most important Victorian shipwrecks at the highest risk.
Heritage Victoria response to statement of expectations
Date published: June 2018
Assistance type: Find out about us
This letter is the Executive Director's response to the Minister for Planning, and sets out how the improvements and targets will be met in 2018-20.
Statement of Expectations from the Minister for Planning to Heritage Victoria
Date published: June 2018
Assistance type: Find out about us
The Victorian Government requires all regulators to have a Statement of Expectations in place to establish clear expectations for regulator performance to reduce red tape affecting businesses, not for profit organisations, government service providers and households.
This provides a consistent framework for regulators to improve administration and enforcement of regulation. This letter to the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria sets out the improvements and targets that form the Statement of Expectations for 2018-2020.
Living Heritage Grants Program: Reporting template for final report
Date published: January 2018
Assistance type: Make an application; Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Subject: Places and objects
The outcomes report template must be used by successful applicants to report back to the Department regarding the project's timelines, progress and expenditure. This report is one of four that must be provided to the Department at all stages of the project. The outcomes report is required towards the completion of the project.
Reporting template for project plan
Date published: January 2018
Assistance type: Make an application; Get technical advice
The project plan template must be used by successful applicants to report back to the Department regarding the project's timelines, progress and expenditure. This report is one of four that must be provided to the Department at all stages of the project. The project plan is required before commencement of the project.
Living Heritage Grants Program: Reporting template for progress report
Date published: January 2018
Assistance type: Make an application; Get policy advice; Get technical advice
The progress report template must be used by successful applicants to report back to the Department regarding the project's timelines, progress and expenditure. This report is one of four that must be provided to the Department at all stages of the project. The progress report is required when the project is underway.
Reporting template for outcomes report
Date published: January 2018
Assistance type: Make an application; Get technical advice
The outcomes report template must be used by successful applicants to report back to the Department regarding a project's timelines, progress and expenditure. This report is one of four that must be provided to the Department at all stages of the project. The outcomes report is required towards the completion of the project.
Valuing Victorias Heritage Summary Report compressed
Date published: January 2018
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Understand the value of Victoria’s post-contact heritage, to support better decision making and resource allocation.
Obtaining a Heritage Act consent
Date published: 2018
Assistance type: Make an application; Get technical advice
Subject: Archaeology
A short brochure on how to get a consent for archaeology works.